Thursday, February 16, 2012

Birthing A New Church

I did not imagine at this point in my life that I would be starting a new church!  It certainly was not in my game plan.  I assumed I would finish out my ministry at a church I loved and had served for many years.  But God has a way of surprising us in unexpected ways.  Joseph never thought he would end up in Egypt.  And he certainly did not expect to be "Number 2" in the nation!  But he lived long enough to see God's hand at work through all the ups and downs he experienced over many years.   So...  what do you think God is doing now with Grace Redeemer?  What does God want to do in us and through us as we step out in following Him?    Let me hear from you!


  1. Carl
    Like you, many of us expected to be part of that same church we loved for many, many more years. But that was not God's plan. And one thing we know for sure is that His plan is so much better than anything we could come up with. It has been a blessing as well as very exciting to see God working in the beginning stages of Grace Redeemer Community Church. He has already surprised us with blessing beyond what we could imagine. Its a humble privilege to be a part of.

  2. Agreed.... It has been amazing to see God at work in all this!

  3. I have found myself thinking for several years about what I would want later on in my retirement. I kept coming back to the idea of some kind of adventure with God. Something I would not have otherwise risked doing during the "steady" years of raising and launching children. Well, it looks like God has moved up the time table for the adventure! And it will not wait until the children are raised and launched.
    The surprising thing is, just how right it seems to my soul. I am so privileged to walk into the adventure with these great believers along side. With my kids still in my home and part of it all. Needing to trust God in new ways and finding He delights to show His provision. How encouraging and up close He has been these months.. Awesome.

  4. It has been a privilege to walk with you and the kids through the valley of the death of what was ... And now into the light of what will be. You have both honored God in the hard times...for which I praise God.

  5. As for the church on a whole, I would think He wants from us what He asks from every church... Follow Him, reflect His love to the world, minister to the needy (in all senses), minister to each other, serve as an example among our community, and everything that goes with that. Essentially: to Love. Even as members of the same congregation that will mean subtle differences for us individually.

    Personally, even before GRCC (and everything that led to it), I was feeling God preparing me for change. Since the summer of 2011, the Spirit has been moving in me in very noticeable ways and I am excited, grateful, and maybe even a little bit frightened of where He’s leading me individually and GRCC as a whole. It is a comforting feeling to know God is preparing you for a purpose, even if you don’t know precisely what that purpose is.

    I look forward to growing in Christ with the rest of the congregation at GRCC!

  6. I can't praise God enough for His care and provision for us. Was not expecting all this excitement at this time in my life! What a blessing He had in store; giving me what I didn't even know I wanted! Bless you all, Judith
